Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures—such as pavements (roads, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots, as well as industrial areas such as airports, ports and logistics and distribution centres, all of which use considerable paved areas) that are covered by water-resistant materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, stone—and rooftops. Soils compacted by urban development are also highly impervious. Impervious surfaces are an environmental concern because their construction initiates a chain of events that modifies urban air and water resources: The pavement materials seal the soil surface, eliminating rainwater infiltration and natural groundwater recharge. An article in the Seattle Times states that "while urban areas cover only 3 percent of the U.S., it is estimated that their runoff is the primary source of pollution in 13 percent of rivers, 18 percent of lakes and 32 percent of estuaries." Some of these pollutants include excess nutrients from fertilizers; pathogens; pet waste; gasoline, motor oil and heavy metals from vehicles; high sediment loads from stream bed erosion and construction sites; and waste such as cigarette butts, 6-pack holders and plastic bags carried by surges of stormwater. In some cities, the flood waters get into combined sewers, causing them to overflow, flushing their raw sewage into streams. Polluted runoff can have many negative effects on fish, animals, plants and people. Impervious surfaces collect solar heat in their dense mass. When the heat is released, it raises air temperatures, producing urban "heat islands", and increasing energy consumption in buildings. The warm runoff from impervious surfaces reduces dissolved oxygen in stream water, making life difficult in aquatic ecosystems. Impervious pavements deprive tree roots of aeration, eliminating the "urban forest" and the canopy shade that would otherwise moderate urban climate. Because impervious surfaces displace living vegetation, they reduce ecological productivity, and interrupt atmospheric carbon cycling.
Jérôme Chenal, Paolo Perona, Charlotte Grossiord, Emmanuel Qays Dubois, Montana Marshall
Andrea Rinaldo, Jana Freiin von Freyberg, Izabela Bujak-Ozga