A disposable (also called disposable product) is a product designed for a single use after which it is recycled or is disposed as solid waste. The term is also sometimes used for products that may last several months (e.g. disposable air filters) to distinguish from similar products that last indefinitely (e.g. washable air filters). The word "disposables" is not to be confused with the word "consumables", which is widely used in the mechanical world. For example, welders consider welding rods, tips, nozzles, gas, etc. to be "consumables", as they last only a certain amount of time before needing to be replaced. Consumables are needed for a process to take place, such as inks for printing and welding rods for welding, while disposable products are products that can be thrown away after it becomes damaged or otherwise unuseful. "Disposable" is an adjective meaning something which is not reusable but is disposed of after use. Many people now use the term as a noun or substantive, i.e. "a disposable" but in reality this is still an adjective as the noun (product, nappy, etc.) is implied. Disposable income is the amount of money left over from one's salary or pay for spending, saving or whatever, after all living costs have been taken out; this term uses the word "disposable" in a different sense, as the money is available to be "disposed" (i.e. allocated or committed) freely according to one's discretion. Disposable products are most often made from paper, plastic, cotton, or polystyrene foam. Products made from composite materials such as laminations are difficult to recycle and are more likely to be disposed of at the end of their use.They are typically disposed of using landfills because it is a cheap option. But in 2004 the European Union passed a law where they stopped allowing disposals in landfills. In 2021, Australia's Minderoo Foundation produced a report called the "Plastic Waste Makers Index" concluding that half of the world's single-use plastic waste is produced by just 20 companies.
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