ME-213: Programmation pour ingénieurMettre en pratique les bases de la programmation vues au semestre précédent. Développer un logiciel structuré. Méthode de debug d'un logiciel. Introduction à la programmation scientifique. Introductio
PHYS-439: Introduction to astroparticle physicsWe present the role of particle physics in cosmology and in the description of astrophysical phenomena. We also present the methods and technologies for the observation of cosmic particles.
ME-390: Foundations of artificial intelligenceThis course provides the students with 1) a set of theoretical concepts to understand the machine learning approach; and 2) a subset of the tools to use this approach for problems arising in mechanica
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
FIN-525: Financial big dataThe course introduces modern methods to acquire, clean, and analyze large quantities of financial data efficiently. The second part expands on how to apply these techniques and robust statistics to fi