Juan Pablo Zuluaga GomezJuan Pablo Zuluaga is currently working at IDIAP as a joint Ph.D. student (second year) with the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He is currently working on the EU Horizon 2020 ATCO2 project, dedicated to the development of an Automatic Air Traffic Speech Recognition system, allowing to collect, organize and pre-process air traffic control (voice communication) data from air space. His main interests are automatic speech recognition and speech understanding. Also interested in artificial general intelligence and natural language processing.
Tomas Teijeiro CampoI received my PhD from the Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CITIUS), University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in 2017. During my doctoral studies I developed a novel knowledge-based framework for time series interpretation based on abductive reasoning that has been successfully applied to automatic ECG interpretation and classification. Now I am currently working as a research associate at the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), with Prof. David Atienza. My research interests include knowledge representation, non-monotonic temporal reasoning, event-based sensing, and their application to biosignal abstraction and interpretation in energy-efficient setups.
Paolo PrandoniI appeared about at the same time as the White Album and, upon being born, I immediately took the one and only sabbatical of my life, which lasted a leisurely four years. I then proceeded to be pre-schooled, schooled, middle- and high-schooled, college educated, and finally grad-schooled here at EPFL. As a kid I was fascinated by those expensive long-distance phone calls and so I specialized in communication systems. And then I did this and I did that. But do we really want to go into details? I thought so.