CIVIL-455: Transportation economicsThe scope of the lecture is to provide the basic concepts in transport economics and introduce new ones for private and public transport and environmental issues. Demand, supply, welfare analysis an
MGT-203: Sustainable entrepreneurshipThis class is designed for Bachelor students who want to understand the interrelated economic, social and ecological challenges society is facing, and who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to r
AR-202(r): Studio BA4 (Gay et Menzel)The studio focusses on contextual imaginary. Developing narratives, inspired both by the site and by the student's imagination leads to a theme sustaining the project. The narrative helps the student
AR-154: Environmental history and theories ILe cours vise a familiariser les etudiants avec l'histoire de l'environnement et des paysages, et avec la maniere dont les preoccupations environnementales amenent a repenser aujourd'hui le sens et
FIN-406: MacrofinanceThis course provides students with a working knowledge of macroeconomic models that explicitly incorporate financial markets. The goal is to develop a broad and analytical framework for analyzing the
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
HUM-249: Competing with ChinaLe cours sensibilise les étudiant·e·s aux implications de l'émergence de la Chine comme puissance économique et technologique en portant une réflexion critique sur les défis posés par cette transition
ENV-610: Ecological economicsThis course is an introduction to economic theory applied to environmental issues. It presents the methods used to assess environmental impacts and natural resources as well as environmental regulatio