Roland LogéRoland Logé is an associate professor at EPFL, with a primary affiliation to the Materials Institute, and a secondary affiliation to the Microengineering Institute.
After graduating in 1994 at UCL (Belgium) in Materials Engineering, he earned a Master of Science in Mechanics in 1995, at UCSB Santa Barbara (USA). He received his PhD at Mines Paristech-CEMEF (France) in 1999, where he specialized in metal forming and associated microstructure evolutions. After a postdoc at Cornell University (USA) between 1999 and 2001, he entered CNRS in France.
In 2008, he was awarded the ALCAN prize from the French Academy of Sciences, together with Yvan Chastel.
In 2009 he became head of the Metallurgy-Structure-Rheology research group at CEMEF.
In 2011, he launched a “Groupement de Recherche” (GDR), funded by CNRS, networking most of the researchers in France involved in recrystallization and grain growth.
In 2013, he became Research Director at CNRS.
In March 2014 he joined EPFL as the head of the Laboratory of Thermomechanical Metallurgy.
Manuel Alexandre PouchonResearcher in experimental and theoretical materials science, specializing in the development of nuclear fuels since 1997, and structural materials for nuclear reactors since 2004. Presently leading nuclear materials lab (LNM) and the advanced nuclear materials (ANM) group and programme at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. The applicability of different material candidates in advanced nuclear reactors is researched. Especially different aspects of radiation damage are investigated. For this purpose the concept of sample miniaturization is applied and further developed. Recently leading a new activity in particle fuel production and application. Previously working for the FUJI project at PSI, where different nuclear fuel forms for fast reactors were produced, characterized and finally irradiated in reactor. This work was performed in collaboration with the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. Previously an International Fellow at JNC investigating the thermal conductivity, sintering behaviour, and mechanical interaction of ceramic-sphere fuel beds; this includes the use of finite element methods for simulating various behaviours. Previously at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and for the Inert Matrix Fuel Project for burning plutonium in light water reactors, investigating the thermal conductivity and the diffusion and solubility of fission products of a zirconia-based non-fertile matrix.
Cyril Cayron1992-1995 Engineering School. Ecole des Mines de Nancy.
1994-1995 Master's degree in Materials Science (rank = 1st)
1995-1996 Military Service
1996-2000 PhD at EPFL-CIME. Precipitation in 6xxx alloys and composites.
2000-2014 Researcher, Engineer and Group leader on materials for new energies at CEA-Grenoble, France.
2012 Habilitation to supervise researches (HDR)
2014-now Senior Scientist at EPFL-LMTM
Creator of the computer programs GenOVa and ARPGE (in Python).
I currently work on crystallographic models of martensitic transformations and deformation twinning.