A connected car is a car that can communicate bidirectionally with other systems outside of the car (LAN). This allows the car to share internet access, and hence data, with other devices both inside and outside the vehicle. For safety-critical applications, it is anticipated that cars will also be connected using dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) or cellular radios, operating in the FCC-granted 5.9 GHz band with very low latency. Both the U.S. and EU scenarios concentrate on 5.9 GHz communications, however, the EU scenario has a clearer path towards the use of hybrid communications (through the proposed CALM approach) than does the U.S. scenario. Together with other emerging vehicular technologies such as automated driving, electric vehicles and shared mobility, connected vehicle is contributing to a new type of future mobility, which is autonomous, connected, electric and shared vehicles. General Motors was the first automaker to bring the first connected car features to market with OnStar in 1996 in Cadillac DeVille, Seville and Eldorado. OnStar was created by GM working with Motorola Automotive (that was later bought by Continental). The primary purpose was safety and to get emergency help to a vehicle when there was an accident. The sooner medical helps arrives the more likely the drivers and passengers would survive. A cellular telephone call would be routed to a call center where the agent sent help. At first, OnStar only worked with voice but when cellular systems added data the system was able to send the GPS location to the call center. After the success of OnStar, many automakers followed with similar safety programs that usually come with a free trial for a new car and then a paid subscription after the trial is over. Remote diagnostics were introduced in 2001. By 2003 connected car services included vehicle health reports, turn-by-turn directions and a network access device. Data-only telematics were first offered in 2007.
Pascal Fua, Mathieu Salzmann, Krzysztof Maciej Lis, Sina Honari