Urs von GuntenURS VON GUNTEN
born in Baden (Switzerland) on 20/10/1959
Drinking water quality and water treatment. Unit processes and process combinations (adsorption processes, membrane processes, oxidation processes). Chemical oxidation and advanced oxidation processes: kinetics and mechanisms of formation of disinfection by-products and degradation of micropollutants. Assessment of toxicology of of transformation products. Biogeochemical processes in riverbank filtration systems. In situ and out-of-ground treatment of groundwaters
Diploma Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Department of Chemistry,Switzerland, 1983
Ph.D.Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland, 1989.
2018 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher
2015 Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher
2015 Recipient of the Harvey Rosen Award 2015 of the International Ozone Association
2015 Professorship under the Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship Initiative for Distinguished Scientists
2014 Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher
2013 Distinguished Lecturer for AEESP at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference, Denver, June 10, 2013
2012-to date Adjunct Professor at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
2011 Full Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)
2010 Adjunct Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic
Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010 Adjunct Professor at the Curtin University of Technology, Perth,
2007 Honorary Professorship at the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,
2007 Recipient of the Harvey Rosen Award 2007 of the International Ozone
2007 Environmental Science and Technology Excellence in Review Award
2006 Professor title at ETHZ, Department of Environmental Sciences
2001 Recipient of the Harvey Rosen Award 2001 of the International Ozone
1999 Recipient of the Marteen Schalekamp Award 1999 of the IWSA
1993 Recipient of a short-term fellowship of the Swiss National Science
Foundation in 1993 and 1994
1993 EERO short-term fellowship-holder
2013-2016 Head of transdisciplinary project “Regional Water Supply Basel Country 21”, Eawag
2010-2017 Head of Competence Center for Drinking Water, Eawag
2008/2009 Visiting Professor at the Curtin Water Quality Research Centre,
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
2004-to date Deputy head of department Water Resources and Drinking Water,
2004-2008 Head of the cross-cutting project Drinking water for the 21st
century, Eawag
2000 2004 Head of department Water Resources and Drinking Water, Eawag
2000/2001 Sabbatical at University of Colorado, Boulder
1998 - 1999 Head of department of Chemistry, Eawag
1995 - 2011 Lecturer at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich,
1995- to date Group leader of the drinking water group of the chemistry
department at Eawag
1994/93 Visiting Scientist at the International Research Center for
Water and Environment of Lyonnaise des Eaux (8 months),
CIRSEE, Le Pecq, France
since 1992 Research Scientist at Eawag
1989 - 1991 Postdoctoral Researcher at Eawag
1984 - 1989 Research Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Associate Editor Environmental Science and Technology (2010/2011)
Guest Editor Water Research for special issue on Emerging
Contaminants (2010)
Guest Editor Journal of water supply: Research and
Technology-Aqua for a special issue on Oxidation Processes (2008)
Member of the editorial board of the journal Ozone: Science and Engineering.
Member of the editorial board of Journal of water supply: Research and Technology-Aqua.
2016 Co-organizer of PEAK seminar ”Neue Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze in der Wasserversorgung – Fallbeispiele aus dem Kanton BL”. Dübendorf, November 11, 2016
2015 Organizer of PEAK seminar “Micropollutants in drinking water”, Dübendorf, October 30
2014 Co-organizer of the Eawag Infotag “Wasserversorgung und Uferfiltration – ein System unter Druck?” Dübendorf, September 9, 2014
2014 Co-organizer of a Symposium “Advanced oxidation processes for water treatment” 5th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress 2014, Aug. 31 – Sept. 4, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
2013 Co-Organizer of PEAK seminar on “Oxidation and Disinfection Processes”, Aug. 30, Dübendorf
2013 Co-Organizer of the Micropoll & Ecohazard Conference, Zürich, June 17-19, 2013
2013 Co-Organizer of the session “Advanced Oxidation – Technologies and Applications, Leading Edge Technology (LET) Conference, Bordeaux, June 2-6, 2013
2011 Co-Organizer of Korean-Swiss Science Days in Zürich “Water for the Future”, ETHZ, November 9-10, 2011.
2010 Co-Organizer of an international symposium “Oxidation processes in natural and technical aquatic systems” in honour of Jürg Hoigné’s 80 birthday, Eawag, May 21, 2010.
2010 Co-Organizer of 23. Mülheimer Wassertechnisches Seminar “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von oxidativen Prozessen in der Wasserreinhaltung”, March 11, 2010, IWW, Mülheim an der Ruhr
2008 Co-Organizer of the Eawag Infotag 2008 “Vom Gewässer ins Glas”, Sept. 12, 2008, Eawag, Dübendorf
2008 Organizing committee of Leading Edge Technology Conference (LET), Zürich, June 1-4, 2008.
2008 Co-organizer of Sino-Swiss workshop “Water Resources Management and Drinking Water Quality”, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, January, 2008
2007 Organizer of Wave21 seminar on “New insights in the field of drinking water treatment”, Dübendorf, Sept. 14, 2007.
2007 Co-organizer of a symposium entitled “Sustainability in Water Supply: Advances in Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment” at ACS Spring conference, Chicago, March 25-29, 2007.
2006 Organizer of Wave21 seminar on “New developments of analytical methods for drinking water analysis”, Dübendorf, Sept. 15, 2006,
2005 Organizer of Wave21 seminar on “New applications of ozone in water treatment”, Sept. 23, 2005, Dübendorf
1999 Co-organizer of 200th Anniversary Symposium in honor of Ch. F. Schönbein - the discoverer of ozone, October 1999, Basel.
1995 Organizer of a symposium in honor of J. Hoigné, June, 1995, Dübendorf, Switzerland
1991 Co-organizer of the workshop "Chemodynamics of Groundwaters", November, 1991, Mont Sainte-Odile, France
Pierre VandergheynstPierre Vandergheynst received the M.S. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree in mathematical physics from the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. From 1998 to 2001, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Signal Processing Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. He was Assistant Professor at EPFL (2002-2007), where he is now a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering and, by courtesy, of Computer and Communication Sciences. As of 2015, Prof. Vandergheynst serves as EPFL’s Vice-Provost for Education. His research focuses on harmonic analysis, sparse approximations and mathematical data processing in general with applications covering signal, image and high dimensional data processing, computer vision, machine learning, data science and graph-based data processing. He was co-Editor-in-Chief of Signal Processing (2002-2006), Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2007-2011), the flagship journal of the signal processing community and currently serves as Associate Editor of Computer Vision and Image Understanding and SIAM Imaging Sciences. He has been on the Technical Committee of various conferences, serves on the steering committee of the SPARS workshop and was co-General Chairman of the EUSIPCO 2008 conference. Pierre Vandergheynst is the author or co-author of more than 70 journal papers, one monograph and several book chapters. He has received two IEEE best paper awards. Professor Vandergheynst is a laureate of the Apple 2007 ARTS award and of the 2009-2010 De Boelpaepe prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium.
Tudor RatiuCitoyen des Etats-Unis, Tudor Ratiu est né en 1950 à Timisoara, Roumanie. Il a obtenu un diplôme en mathématiques en 1973 ainsi qu'un diplôme de maîtrise en mathématiques appliquées en 1974 à l'Université de Timisoara. Pour des raisons politiques il lui est interdit de poursuivre ses études et en 1975 il est obligé de quitter son pays. En 1980 il obtient un doctorat à l'Université de Californie à Berkeley avec une thèse en mécanique géométrique et est nommé professeur assistant de recherche T.H. Hildebrandt à l'Université de Michigan, Ann Arbor.
En 1983 il rejoint l'Université d'Arizona, Tucson, comme professeur associé et en 1987 l'Université de Californie, Santa Cruz, ou il est nommé professeur ordinaire en 1988. Il lui a été décerné une bourse postdoctorale du Fonds national scientifique américain, une bourse de la fondation A.P. Sloan, la chaire de recherche professoriale Miller à Berkeley, une bourse Fulbright et le prix allemand A. von Humboldt. Il a été professeur et chercheur invité dans plusieurs départements et instituts de recherche mathématiques du monde.
Les thèmes principaux de sa recherche sont l'analyse globale, la mécanique des fluides et du plasma, la dynamique hamiltonienne, la mécanique géométrique, la géométrie symplectique et de Poisson, la théorie de bifurcations et l'étude des systèmes complètement intégrables. Ses travaux concernent l'aspect mathématique de ces problèmes ainsi que leurs applications en physique et les sciences d'ingénieur. Il est auteur, en collaboration, de plusieurs livres de spécialité.
En 1997 il est nommé professeur ordinaire en analyse au Département de mathématiques et entre en fonction en juillet 1998.