In chemistry, ion transport number, also called the transference number, is the fraction of the total electric current carried in an electrolyte by a given ionic species i:
Differences in transport number arise from differences in electrical mobility. For example, in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, less than half of the current is carried by the positively charged sodium ions (cations) and more than half is carried by the negatively charged chloride ions (anions) because the chloride ions are able to move faster, i.e., chloride ions have higher mobility than sodium ions. The sum of the transport numbers for all of the ions in solution always equals unity:
The concept and measurement of transport number were introduced by Johann Wilhelm Hittorf in the year 1853. Liquid junction potential can arise from ions in a solution having different ion transport numbers.
At zero concentration, the limiting ion transport numbers may be expressed in terms of the limiting molar conductivities of the cation (\lambda_0^+), anion (\lambda_0^-), and electrolyte (\Lambda_0):
where \nu^+ and \nu^- are the numbers of cations and anions respectively per formula unit of electrolyte. In practice the molar ionic conductivities are calculated from the measured ion transport numbers and the total molar conductivity. For the cation , and similarly for the anion. In solutions, where ionic complexation or associaltion are important, two different tramsport/tramsference numbers can be defined.
The practical importance of high (i.e. close to 1) transference numbers of the charge-shuttling ion (i.e. Li+ in lithium-ion batteries) is related to the fact, that in single-ion devices (such as lithium-ion batteries) electrolytes with the transfer number of the ion near 1, concentration gradients do not develop. A constant electrolyte concentration is maintained during charge-discharge cycles. In case of porous electrodes a more complete utilization of solid electroactive materials at high current densities is possible, even if the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte is reduced.
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Conductivity (or specific conductance) of an electrolyte solution is a measure of its ability to conduct electricity. The SI unit of conductivity is siemens per meter (S/m). Conductivity measurements are used routinely in many industrial and environmental applications as a fast, inexpensive and reliable way of measuring the ionic content in a solution. For example, the measurement of product conductivity is a typical way to monitor and continuously trend the performance of water purification systems.
An electrolyte is a medium containing ions that is electrically conducting through the movement of those ions, but not conducting electrons. This includes most soluble salts, acids, and bases dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water. Upon dissolving, the substance separates into cations and anions, which disperse uniformly throughout the solvent. Solid-state electrolytes also exist. In medicine and sometimes in chemistry, the term electrolyte refers to the substance that is dissolved.
The first MOOC to teach the basics of plasma physics and its main applications: fusion energy, astrophysical and space plasmas, societal and industrial applications
Learn the basics of plasma, one of the fundamental states of matter, and the different types of models used to describe it, including fluid and kinetic.
Learn the basics of plasma, one of the fundamental states of matter, and the different types of models used to describe it, including fluid and kinetic.
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