CH-448: PhotomedicineThe most important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic applications of light will be described. In addition, this course will address the principles governing the interactions between light and biolog
AR-365: Theory and architectural cultureLe cours offre un résumé de la théorie et la culture architecturales depuis 1789 dans le monde occidentale. Le but est de comprendre des textes dans lesquels l'architecture est définie comme une disci
MSE-440: Composites technologyThe latest developments in processing and the novel generations of organic composites are discussed.
Nanocomposites, adaptive composites and biocomposites are presented. Product development, cost anal
HUM-123(b): Global issues: energy BLe cours abordera les grandes problématiques technologiques et socio-économiques liées à la transition énergétique, ainsi que les perspectives et barrières à l'établissement d'un système énergétique d
MGT-526: Supply chain managementThis course introduces key concepts in supply chain management. It uses a combination of case studies, simulation exercises, formal lectures and group discussions to illustrate how the various concept
PHYS-641: Quantum ComputingAfter introducing the foundations of classical and quantum information theory, and quantum measurement, the course will address the theory and practice of digital quantum computing, covering fundament