EE-518: Analog circuits for biochipIntroduction to analog CMOS design for Remote Biosensors on Chip. Understanding and designing of active and remotely powered biosensing systems. Basic understanding of the wireless transmission of the
MICRO-505: Organic and printed electronicsThis course addresses the implementation of organic and printed electronics technologies using large area manufacturing techniques. It will provide knowledge on materials, printing techniques, devices
MSE-371: Practice of finite elementsLe but de ce cours est d'apprendre à réaliser de manière rigoureuse et critique des analyses par éléments finis de problèmes concrets en mécanique des solides à l'aide d'un logiciel CAE moderne.
EE-517: Bio-nano-chip designIntroduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip.
Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
EE-567: Semiconductor devices IIStudents will learn about understanding the fundamentals and applications of emerging nanoscale devices, materials
and concepts. Remark: at least 5 students should be enrolled for the course to be giv
ChE-407: Electrochemical engineeringThis course builds upon the underlying theory in thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and transport and applies these methods to electrosynthesis, fuel cell, and battery applications. Special focus is p