

Botswana (Land of the Tswana; bɒtˈswɑːnə, UKbʊt-,_bʊˈtʃw-), officially the Republic of Botswana (Lefatshe la Botswana, lɪˈfatshɪ la bʊˈtswana), is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. Botswana is topographically flat, with approximately 70 per cent of its territory being the Kalahari Desert. It is bordered by South Africa to the south and southeast, Namibia to the west and north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast. It is connected by the Kazungula Bridge to Zambia, across the world's shortest border between two countries. A country of slightly over 2.3 million people, Botswana is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. It is essentially the nation state of the Tswana, who make up 79% of the population. About 11.6 per cent of the population lives in the capital and largest city, Gaborone. Formerly one of the world's poorest countries—with a GDP per capita of about US70peryearinthelate1960sithassincetransformeditselfintoanuppermiddleincomecountry,withoneoftheworldsfastestgrowingeconomies.Moderndayhumansfirstinhabitedthecountryover200,000yearsago.TheTswanaethnicgroupweredescendedmainlyfromBantuspeakingtribeswhomigratedsouthwardofAfricatomodernBotswanaaround600AD,livingintribalenclavesasfarmersandherders.In1885,theBritishcolonisedtheareaanddeclaredaprotectorateunderthenameofBechuanaland.Asdecolonisationoccurred,BechuanalandbecameanindependentCommonwealthrepublicunderitscurrentnameon30September1966.Sincethen,ithasbeenarepresentativerepublic,withaconsistentrecordofuninterrupteddemocraticelectionsandthelowestperceivedcorruptionrankinginAfricasinceatleast1998.Theeconomyisdominatedbyminingandtourism.BotswanahasaGDP(purchasingpowerparity)percapitaofabout70 per year in the late 1960s—it has since transformed itself into an upper-middle-income country, with one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Modern-day humans first inhabited the country over 200,000 years ago. The Tswana ethnic group were descended mainly from Bantu-speaking tribes who migrated southward of Africa to modern Botswana around 600 AD, living in tribal enclaves as farmers and herders. In 1885, the British colonised the area and declared a protectorate under the name of Bechuanaland. As decolonisation occurred, Bechuanaland became an independent Commonwealth republic under its current name on 30 September 1966. Since then, it has been a representative republic, with a consistent record of uninterrupted democratic elections and the lowest perceived corruption ranking in Africa since at least 1998. The economy is dominated by mining and tourism. Botswana has a GDP (purchasing power parity) per capita of about 18,113 , one of the highest in the subsaharan Africa. Botswana is the world's biggest diamond producing country.
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