
Niklas Zennström

Niklas Zennström (ˈnɪ̌kːlas ˈsɛ̂nːstrœm; born 16 February 1966) is a Swedish entrepreneur and technology investor. Zennström is also the co-founder of the charity organization Zennström Philanthropies. Zennström has dual degrees in Business Administration (BSc) and Engineering Physics (MSc) from Uppsala University. He spent his final year of schooling at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US. Zennström started his professional career in 1991 at the European telecom operator Tele2. He went on to serve in various business development roles including launching and being responsible for the European Internet Service Provider business get2net and as CEO of the portal. In 2000, Zennström and Janus Friis co-founded KaZaA, a application. In 2003, with Zennström serving as CEO, the program became the world's most downloaded Internet software. After facing lawsuits filed by members of the United States' music and motion picture industry, Kazaa was sold to Sharman Networks. Zennström then founded and served as CEO at Joltid, a software company meant to develop and market peer-to-peer solutions and traffic optimization technologies. He also co-founded Altnet, another peer-to-peer network. Zennström is best known for founding Skype Technologies, a telecommunications company. In October 2005, Skype was acquired by eBay for €2.1 billion (2.6billion)withthepotentialtoearnfurtherperformancebasedbonusesupto1.2bn.Zennstro¨mwasCEOofSkypefromitsinceptionuntilSeptember2007.HewentontolaunchJoostin2007,anonlinevideodistributionservice.In2009,Zennstro¨mwaspartoftheinvestmentconsortiumthatboughtbackSkypeTechnologiesfromeBayandrejoinedtheSkypeboard.InMay2011,SkypewaspurchasedbyMicrosoftfor2.6 billion) with the potential to earn further performance-based bonuses up to €1.2bn. Zennström was CEO of Skype from its inception until September 2007. He went on to launch Joost in 2007, an online video distribution service. In 2009, Zennström was part of the investment consortium that bought back Skype Technologies from eBay and re-joined the Skype board. In May 2011, Skype was purchased by Microsoft for 8.5 billion. It is reported that Zennström and Friis made approximately $1bn between them from the sale. In November 2014, Zennström was inducted into SUP46's Swedish Startup Hall of Fame. Zennström is founder and former president of the European Tech Alliance (EUTA), a group of tech companies located around in Europe.
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