Le but est de former doctorants et post doctorants aux méthodes de charactérisation des ciments composés comme la microstructure, la diffraction des rayons X, la calorimétrie, la formulation et la dur
Cet enseignement vise l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimiques. Le cours et les exercices fournissent la méthodologie
This course builds on environmental chemistry and microbiology taken in previous courses. The emphasis is on quantification using the public domain package, PHREEQC, which is an excellent computation
This course aims to teach essential notions of the structure of matter, chemical equilibria and reactivity. Classes and exercises provide the means to analyze and solve, by reasoning and calculation,
This course covers the main applications of micro devices for life science and biomedical applications. The course is organized by application topic. It is also covering the basic physical, biological