HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
COM-406: Foundations of Data ScienceWe discuss a set of topics that are important for the understanding of modern data science but that are typically not taught in an introductory ML course. In particular we discuss fundamental ideas an
COM-417: Advanced probability and applicationsIn this course, various aspects of probability theory are considered. The first part is devoted to the main theorems in the field (law of large numbers, central limit theorem, concentration inequaliti
MATH-432: Probability theoryThe course is based on Durrett's text book
Probability: Theory and Examples.
It takes the measure theory approach to probability theory, wherein expectations are simply abstract integrals.
CS-450: Algorithms IIA first graduate course in algorithms, this course assumes minimal background, but moves rapidly. The objective is to learn the main techniques of algorithm analysis and design, while building a reper
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
MATH-451: Numerical approximation of PDEsThe course is about the derivation, theoretical analysis and implementation of the finite element method for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations in one and two space dimens
ME-201: Continuum mechanicsContinuum conservation laws (e.g. mass, momentum and energy) will be introduced. Mathematical tools, including basic algebra and calculus of vectors and Cartesian tensors will be taught. Stress and de
MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex