Marc GruberAdministrative & Editorial Positions
2017- Vice President for Innovation at EPFL
2013- Deputy & Associate Editor: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ
2009-2016 Director of the MTE Master Program at EPFL
2000-2005 Manager of the LMU Entrepreneurship Center
Academic Positions
10/2005 - present
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Assistant Professor (2005-2008), Associate Professor (2008-2010), Full Professor (since 2011)
9/2004 -12/2004
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Visiting Scholar
9/2000 - 9/2005
University of Munich (LMU), Munich School of Management
Vice-Director of the Institute for Innovation Research, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (Director: Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.)
Manager of the ODEON Center for Entrepreneurship
1/1999 -12/1999
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Visiting Scholar
University of St. Gallen, HSG
Research Assistant, Ph.D. candidate
Degrees and Nominations
4/2005 University of Munich (LMU), Munich School of Management
Venia Legendi for Management (Habilitation)
10/2000 University of St. Gallen, HSG
Ph.D. in Management
10/1995 University of St. Gallen, HSG
Master in Business Administration (lic. oec. HSG)
Maryam KamgarpourMaryam Kamgarpour holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and a Bachelor of Applied Science from University of Waterloo, Canada. Her research is on safe decision-making and control under uncertainty, game theory and mechanism design, mixed integer and stochastic optimization and control. Her theoretical research is motivated by control challenges arising in intelligent transportation networks, robotics, power grid systems and healthcare. She is the recipient of NASA High Potential Individual Award, NASA Excellence in Publication Award, and the European Union (ERC) Starting Grant.