ENV-103: BiologyThis course will cover the fundamental principles governing life and the living world. Topics will include the diversity of living organisms, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. This c
HUM-238: Philosophy of scienceCe cours propose d'identifier et comprendre les débats et problèmes centraux en philosophie des sciences, p.ex. le débat concernant les différents modèles de l'explication scientifique. Evaluer et com
PENS-230: Digital ENAC: le codage en contexteDigital ENAC aims to provide students with the ability to apply the principles of coding to the practical life of designers and engineers. We will not focus on a specific coding language, but will ext
MSE-326: Ceramic and colloidal processingThe course covers the production of ceramics and colloids from the basic scientific concepts and theories needed to understand the forming processes to the mechanisms and methods of sintering (firing)
MSE-212: Biology for engineersThis course consists of an introduction to biology and more particularly to biology as a multidisciplinary field, emphasizing
natural examples of materials engineering. It should therefore allow engin
MATH-436: Homotopical algebraThis course will provide an introduction to model category theory, which is an abstract framework for generalizing homotopy theory beyond topological spaces and continuous maps. We will study numerous
PHYS-752: Lecture series on BiomimeticsThis course gives a comprehensive view of Biomimetics, with especial focus and hierarchical structure-function relationships. We explore the physical principles of bioinspired nanostructures and biome