ENV-200: Environmental chemistryThis course provides students with an overview over the basics of environmental chemistry. This includes the chemistry of natural systems, as well as the fate of anthropogenic chemicals in natural sys
MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
MSE-234: Mechanical behaviour of materialsCe cours est une introduction au comportement mécanique, à l'élaboration, à la structure et au cycle de vie des grandes classes de matériaux de structure (métaux, polymères, céramiques et composites)
PHYS-439: Introduction to astroparticle physicsWe present the role of particle physics in cosmology and in the description of astrophysical phenomena. We also present the methods and technologies for the observation of cosmic particles.
ENG-400: Water quality modelingThis course builds on environmental chemistry and microbiology taken in previous courses. The emphasis is on quantification using the public domain package, PHREEQC, which is an excellent computation
CH-160(en): Advanced general chemistry (english)This course aims to teach essential notions of the structure of matter, chemical equilibria and reactivity. Classes and exercises provide the means to analyze and solve, by reasoning and calculation,