AR-485: Political economy of designPolitical Economy of Design (PED) seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and community benefits or decisions, at a local and global scale
MGT-201: Introduction to entrepreneurshipThis course provides an introduction to the field of entrepreneurship, in particular the process of new venture creation and the commercialization of technologies. It integrates theories of entreprene
ME-419: Production managementProduction management deals with producing goods sustainably at the right time, quantity, and quality with the minimum cost. This course equips students with practical skills and tools for effectively
MGT-528: Operations: economics & strategySupply-chain management within a firm is concerned with the flow of goods and services from firms to consumers. This course provides an overview of the economic drivers and technological possibilities
AR-670: Affirming ActionsThe course presents a particular type of architectural firms, established and led by women. Partly a reflection of marginal positions within professional markets, they indicate original directions for
CS-490: Business design for IT servicesIn this course, students practice designing digital business services. The students learn to apply the principles of technical sales while developing their own projects. Through this process, students