HadashHadash (חד״ש), an acronym for HaHazit HaDemokratit LeShalom uLeShivion (הַחֲזִית הַדֶּמוֹקְרָטִית לְשָׁלוֹם וּלְשִׁוְיוֹן; al-Jabhah ad-Dimuqrāṭiyyah lis-Salām wa'l-Musāwah, abbr. الجبهة) is a left to far-left political coalition in Israel formed by the Israeli Communist Party and other leftist groups. The party was formed on 15 March 1977 when the Rakah and Non-Partisans parliamentary group changed its name to Hadash in preparation for the 1977 elections.
Balad (political party)Balad (בָּלַ״ד) is an Arab political party in Israel led by Sami Abu Shehadeh. The party advocates for the rights of Arab citizens in Israel. The party is known by the acronym of its Hebrew name, Brit Leumit Demokratit (בְּרִית לְאֻמִּית דֵּמוֹקְרָטִית); Balad (بلد) is also an Arabic word meaning "country" or "nation". Its full Arabic name is at-Tajammuʿ al-Waṭanī ad-Dīmuqrāṭī (التجمع الوطني الديمقراطي ). Balad is a political party whose stated purpose is the "struggle to transform the state of Israel into a democracy for all its citizens, irrespective of national or ethnic identity".
Arab citizens of IsraelThe Arab citizens of Israel are the largest ethnic minority in the country. They comprise a hybrid community of Israeli citizens with a heritage of Palestinian citizenship, mixed religions (Muslim, Christian or Druze), bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew, and with varying social identities. Self-identification as Palestinian citizens of Israel has sharpened in recent years, alongside distinct identities including Galilee and Negev Bedouin, the Druze people, and Arab Christians and Arab Muslims who do not identify as Palestinians.
KnessetInfobox Parliament |name = The Knesset |native_name = |transcription_name= HaKnesset |legislature = 25th Knesset |coa_pic = Emblem_of_Israel_alternative_blue-gold.svg |session_room = PikiWiki Israel 7260 Knesset-Room.jpg |coa_res = 100px |house_type = Unicameral |leader1_type = Speaker |leader1 = Amir Ohana |party1 = Likud |election1 = 29 December 2022 |leader2_type = Prime Minister |leader2 = Benjamin Netanyahu |party2 = Likud |election2 = 29 December 2022 |leader3_type = Leader of the Opposition |leader3 = Yair Lapid |party3 = Yesh Atid |election3 = 2 January 2023 |last_election1 = 1 November 2022 |next_election1 = 27 October 2026 |voting_system1 = Closed list proportional representationD'Hondt method |members = 120 |structure1 = Composition 25th Knesset.