EE-548: Audio engineeringThis lecture is oriented towards the study of audio engineering, room acoustics, sound propagation, and sound radiation from sources and acoustic antennas. The learning outcomes will be the techniques
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
ME-201: Continuum mechanicsContinuum conservation laws (e.g. mass, momentum and energy) will be introduced. Mathematical tools, including basic algebra and calculus of vectors and Cartesian tensors will be taught. Stress and de
MATH-449: BiostatisticsThis course covers statistical methods that are widely used in medicine and biology. A key topic is the analysis of longitudinal data: that is, methods to evaluate exposures, effects and outcomes that
ENG-267: Estimation methodsLes étudiants traitent des observations entachées d'incertitude de manière rigoureuse. Ils maîtrisent les principales méthodes de compensation des mesures et d'estimation des paramètres. Ils appliquen
MATH-413: Statistics for data scienceStatistics lies at the foundation of data science, providing a unifying theoretical and methodological backbone for the diverse tasks enountered in this emerging field. This course rigorously develops
PHYS-512: Statistical physics of computationThe students understand tools from the statistical physics of disordered systems, and apply them to study computational and statistical problems in graph theory, discrete optimisation, inference and m
PHYS-442: Modeling and design of experimentsIn the academic or industrial world, to optimize a system, it is necessary to establish strategies for the experimental approach. The DOE allows you to choose the best set of measurement points to min
EE-411: Fundamentals of inference and learningThis is an introductory course in the theory of statistics, inference, and machine learning, with an emphasis on theoretical understanding & practical exercises. The course will combine, and alternat