ENG-420: Environmental transport phenomenaThe course aims at introducing basic physical aspects of molecular and turbulent diffusion, as well as of dispersion processes, their mathematical modeling, solutions and related environmental applica
ME-615: Introduction to earthquake source physicsThis course presents the classical and new approaches required to study the source mechanisms of earthquakes, combining theory and observations in a unified methodology, with a key focus on the mechan
HUM-385: History of science and technologyQu'est-ce que la science fait au monde ? Ce cours propose de réfléchir à cette question à partir des exemples offerts par l'histoire des sciences et des techniques, du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours.
ENV-425: LimnologyFocus is on lakes, rivers and reservoirs as aquatic systems. Specific is the quantitative analyse (incl. exercises) of physical, biogeochemical and sedimentological processes. The goal is to understan
ENV-367: Environmental and construction lawCe cours donne aux étudiant-e-s les connaissances de base nécessaires pour comprendre les dimensions juridiques de leur activité professionnelle concernant l'aménagement du territoire et la protection
PHYS-443: Physics of nuclear reactorsIn this course, one acquires an understanding of the basic neutronics interactions occurring in a nuclear fission reactor as well as the conditions for establishing and controlling a nuclear chain rea
ENG-474: Impact studiesPrésentation des bases des études d'impact, du contexte et des outils d'évaluation de chacun des sujets et des chapitres. Illustration par de nombreux cas réels, et par un travail de groupe. Discussio
HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro