OurResearch, formerly known as ImpactStory, is a nonprofit organization which creates and distributes tools and services for libraries, institutions and researchers. The organization follows open practices with their data (to the extent allowed by providers' terms of service), code, and governance. OurResearch is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and Arcadia Fund. ImpactStory is the first open source, web-based tool released by OurResearch. It provides altmetrics to help researchers measure the impacts of their research outputs including journal articles, blog posts, datasets, and software. This aims to change the focus of the scholarly reward system to value and encourage web-native scholarship. It provides context to its metrics so that they are meaningful without knowledge of the specific dataset: for example, instead of letting the reader guess whether having five forks on GitHub is common, ImpactStory would tell that the repository is in the 95th percentile of all GitHub repositories created that year. The metrics provided by ImpactStory can be used by researchers who want to know how many times their work has been downloaded and shared, and also research funders who are interested in the impact of research beyond only considering citations to journal articles. Unpaywall, begun as an interface for oaDOI.org, is a browser extension which finds legal free versions of (paywalled) scholarly articles. In July 2018, Unpaywall was reported to provide free access to 20 million articles, which accounts for about 47% of the articles that people search for with Unpaywall. In June 2017, it was integrated into Web of Science, and in July 2018, Elsevier announced plans the same month to integrate the service into the Scopus search engine. In 2019, GetTheResearch.org was announced as a search engine for open access content found by Unpaywall, with machine learning features to facilitate discoverability. Unsub, previously Unpaywall Journals, was launched in 2019 as a data analysis tool for libraries to estimate the actual cost and value of their subscriptions.
Jonathan Graves, Joaquim Loizu Cisquella, Antoine Baillod
Jiancheng Yang, Jason Ken Adhinarta, Ming Li
Pascal Fua, Cécile Hébert, Emad Oveisi, Gulnaz Ganeeva, Anastasiia Mishchuk, Okan Altingövde