Collaborateur Scientifique/Chargé de Cours (Lecturer) (1998-)
Privat Docent (1998)
Laboratoire de Technologie des Composites et Polymères (LTC) (2000-)
Laboratoire de Polymères (LP) (1998-2000)
Visiting Scientist, Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, UK 1986-1989
Research Assistant, Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group (PCS), Department of Physics
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, UK, Department of Materials 1986
PhD, "Flux Pinning in Type-II Superconductors"
BA/MA Honours Degree in Natural Sciences
Prix R&R Haenny, 2007, DuPont Research Award, 2003, Commendation, British Polymer Group, Reading 1989
Ramier J, Da Costa N, Plummer CJG, Leterrier Y, Manson JAE, Eckert R, Gaudiana R, Cohesion and adhesion of nanoporous TiO2 coatings on titanium wires for photovoltaic applications, Thin solid films, 516, 1913 (2008).
Ramier J, Plummer CJG, Leterrier Y, Manson JAE, Eckert B, Gaudiana R, Mechanical integrity of dye-sensitized photovoltaic fibers, Renewable energy, 33, 314 (2008).
- Houphouet-Boigny C, Plummer CJG, Wakeman MD, Manson JAE, Hybrid glass fiber-reinforced thermoplastic nanocomposites, J. Thermoplast. Comp. Mater., 21, 103 (2008).
Ternat C, Ouali L, Sommer H, Fieber W, Velazco MI, Plummer CJG, Kreutzer G, Klok HA, Manson JAE, Herrmann, Investigation of the Release of Bioactive Volatiles from Amphiphilic Multiarm Star-Block Copolymers by Thermogravimetry and Dynamic Headspace Analysis, Macromolecules 41(19), 7079 (2008).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Mechanical properties of highly filled latex-based polystyrene/laponite nanocomposites, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 151, 30 (2009).
Plummer, CJG, Dalle Vacche, S, Houphouët-Boigny, C, Michaud, V, Månson, JAE, Hybrid Glass Mat Reinforced Polypropylene-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 151, 60 (2009).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Highly filled polystyrenelaponite nanocomposites prepared by emulsion polymerization, European Polm. J. 45, 621 (2009).
Ruggerone, R., Plummer, C.J.G., Negrete Herrera, N., Bourgeat-Lami, E., Månson, J-EA, Fracture mechanisms in polystyrene/laponite nanocomposites prepared by emulsion polymerization, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76, 2846 (2009)
Clausen P., Andreoni W., Curioni A., Hughs E., Plummer C.J.G. Adsorption of low-molecular-weight molecules on the surface of a sodium smectite clay: an ab initio study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 12293 (2009).
Clausen P., Andreoni W., Curioni A., Hughs E., Plummer C.J.G., Water adsorption on a sodium smectite clay surface: an ab initio study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 15218 (2009).
Molberg, M, Leterrier, Y., Plummer, C.J.G., Walder, C., Löwe, C., Opris, D.M., Nüesch, F.A., Bauer, S., Månson, J.-A.E., Frequency dependent dielectric and mechanical behaviour of elastomers for actuator applications, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 054112 (2009)
Clausen P., Signorelli M., Schreiber A., Hughes E., Plummer CJG, Fessas D., Schiraldi A., Månson E. J.-A., Equilibrium desorption isotherms of water, ethanol, ethyl acetate and toluene on a sodium smectite clay, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 98, 833 (2009)
Micusik, M., Bonnefond, A., Reyes, Y., Bogner, A., Chazeau, L., Plummer, C.J.G., Paulis, M., Leiza, J.R., Morphology of Polymer/Clay Latex Particles Synthesized by Miniemulsion Polymerization: Modeling and Experimental Results Macromol. React. Eng. 2010, 4, 432 (2010).
Houphouet-Boigny C., Plummer CJG, Vacche SD, Michaud V, Wakeman MD, Månson E. J.-A., Hybrid Glass Mat-reinforced Polypropylene-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites, J. Comp. Mater. 44, 1975 (2010).
Delabarde, C., Plummer C.J.G., Bourban, P.-E., Månson E. J.-A., Solidification behavior of PLLA/nHA nanocomposites, Comp. Sci. & Tech. 70, 1813 (2010).
Plummer C.J.G., Ruggerone R., Negrete-Herrera N., Bourgeat-Lami E., Månson J.-A.E., Small Strain Mechanical Properties of Latex-Based Nanocomposite Films, Macromol. Symp. 294, 1 (2010).
Dalle Vacche, S., Plummer C.J.G., Houphouet-Boigny C., Månson E. J.-A., Morphology and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene glass mat thermoplastic composites modified with organophilic montmorillonite, J Mater Sci 46, 2112 (2011). Holger Frauenrath
(born in Aachen, Germany) studied chemistry at
RWTH Aachen
, Germany from 1992 to 1997, with a focus on synthetic organic chemistry. He performed his PhD thesis from 1998 to 2001 in the research group of Prof Hartwig Höcker at RWTH Aachen, working on a project related to the stereospecific polymerization of methacrylates as well as their copolymerization with olefins using zirconocene catalysts.
Holger Frauenrath then joined the group of Prof. Sam Stupp at
Northwestern University
, Evanston, IL, USA, as a postdoctoral fellow supported by a
Feodor Lynen fellowship
of the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
. His postdoctoral research projects were centered around the supramolecular self-assembly of rod-coil molecules.
Holger Frauenrath returned to Germany in 2003 and started to build his own research group at FU Berlin, funded with an
Emmy Noether Grant
from the
German Science Foundation
. In 2005, the research group moved to the Department of Materials at
ETH Zurich
, Switzerland, where it became a scientifcally independent part of the
Polymer Chemistry Group
led by
Prof. A. Dieter Schlüter
. Holger Frauenrath obtained his Habilitation from ETH Zurich in 2009.
In 2009, Holger Frauenrath has been appointed as a professor at the
Institute of Materials (IMX)
of the
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
, Switzerland, building the new
Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Materials (LMOM)
. In the same year, Holger Frauenrath was received the prestigious
European Research Council (ERC) Starting Investigator
I am a Professor of Microengineering and co-affiliated to Materials Science. Before joining EPFL I was at the MESA Research Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, and at the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, in Tokyo, Japan. I received a Master in Physical-Electronics and a PhD degree from Neuchâtel University, Switzerland. Research in my laboratory focuses on various aspects of MEMS and Nanotechnology. My group contributes to the field at the fundamental level as well as in technological development, as demonstrated by the start-ups that spun off from the lab. In our research, key competences are in micro/nanofabrication, additive micro-manufacturing, new materials for MEMS, increasingly for wearable and biomedical applications. Together with my students and colleagues we published over 200 peer-refereed papers and I had the pleasure to supervise over 25 PhD students. Former students and postdocs have been successful in receiving awards and starting their own scientific careers. I am honoured for the appointment in 2016 as Fellow of the IEEE “For contributions to micro and nano manufacturing technology”. In 2017 my lab was awarded an ERC AdvG in the field of advanced micro-manufacturing.
Kay Severin was born in Germany in 1967. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1995 with a thesis in the group of Prof. W. Beck, University of Munich. Subsequently, he joined the group of Prof. M. R. Ghadiri as a postdoctoral fellow. In 1997, he started independent research projects ("Habilitation") at the Department of Chemistry, University of Munich. In 2001, he became assistant professor at the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2009, he is full professor at the same institute.
Awards: Bayerischer Habilitations Förderpreis (1997), ADUC award of the year (2001), Heinz Maier-Leibnitz award of the DFG (2001), award of the Karl-Ziegler foundation (2001), Arnold Sommerfeld award of the Bavarian Academy of Science (2001), Werner Prize of The Swiss Chemical Society (2003), Otto Roelen Medal of the DECHEMA (2005), award for chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, Göttingen (2007), Dalton Transactions European Lectureship (2008).
Background 1990 Ingénieur en science des matériaux 1993 PhD in materials science Activities 1993-1994 Research at the Center for Composite Materials, University of Delaware, USA (ccm.udel.edu), SNSF grant Since 1994 Research and teaching at EPFL, Composites, (LTC, LPAC) 1995-1999 Coordination Swiss Priority Program on Materials research: 2.2: Composites Since 1998 Biocomposites 2004-2009 Direction of the EPFL Transdisciplinary programme in Sport and Rehabilitation 2005-2008 Member of the EPFL Vice-Presidency for Innovation and Valorisation and direction a.i.EPFL-LTC Since 2016 Direction Discovery Learning Labs Materials/Bioengineering and Engineering