CIVIL-455: Transportation economicsThe scope of the lecture is to provide the basic concepts in transport economics and introduce new ones for private and public transport and environmental issues. Demand, supply, welfare analysis an
HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
ENV-367: Environmental and construction lawCe cours donne aux étudiant-e-s les connaissances de base nécessaires pour comprendre les dimensions juridiques de leur activité professionnelle concernant l'aménagement du territoire et la protection
AR-673: Transition workshopThe TW offers an educational framework to accelerate the ecological transition of the built realm. It aims to deepen the knowledge on the built environment and its sustainable development, create/tran
AR-430: Magma and principlesNous proposons à une dizaine de personnalités de mettre en relation deux séquences spatiales issues de deux univers représentatifs l'architecture et le cinéma. Pour ce semestre "TEMPUS SESSORIUM" Le t
FIN-620: Game TheoryGame theory deals with multiperson strategic decision making. Major fields of Economics, such as Microeconomics, Corporate Finance, Market Microstructure, Monetary Economics, Industrial Organization,
AR-518: The origins of modern domestic spaceThe course is part of a three-year trajectory dedicated to a comprehensive history of domestic space and its relationship with urban form from its prehistoric origins to Neoliberal times.