
Microsoft HoloLens

Microsoft HoloLens is an augmented reality (AR)/mixed reality (MR) headset developed and manufactured by Microsoft. HoloLens runs the Windows Mixed Reality platform under the Windows 10 operating system. Some of the positional tracking technology used in HoloLens can trace its lineage to the Microsoft Kinect, an accessory for Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Xbox One game consoles that was introduced in 2010. The pre-production version of HoloLens, the Development Edition, shipped on March 30, 2016, and is targeted to developers in the United States and Canada for a list price of 3000whichallowedhobbyist,professionals,andcorporationstoparticipateinthepreproductionversionofHoloLens.SamsungandAsushaveextendedanoffertoMicrosofttohelpproducetheirownmixedrealityproducts,incollaborationwithMicrosoft,basedaroundtheconceptandhardwareonHoloLens.OnOctober12,2016,MicrosoftannouncedglobalexpansionofHoloLensandpublicizedthatHoloLenswouldbeavailableforpreorderinAustralia,Ireland,France,Germany,NewZealandandtheUnitedKingdom.Thereisalsoacommercialsuite(similartoaproeditionofWindows),withenterprisefeaturessuchasBitLockersecurity.AsofMay2017,thesuitesoldforUS3000 which allowed hobbyist, professionals, and corporations to participate in the pre-production version of HoloLens. Samsung and Asus have extended an offer to Microsoft to help produce their own mixed-reality products, in collaboration with Microsoft, based around the concept and hardware on HoloLens. On October 12, 2016, Microsoft announced global expansion of HoloLens and publicized that HoloLens would be available for preorder in Australia, Ireland, France, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. There is also a commercial suite (similar to a pro edition of Windows), with enterprise features such as BitLocker security. As of May 2017, the suite sold for US5,000. Microsoft has decided to rent the Hololens without clients making the full investment. Microsoft partners with a company called Absorbents to give the service of HoloLens rental. HoloLens 2 was announced at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain, on February 24, 2019, and was available on preorder at $3,500. The HoloLens is a head-mounted display unit connected to an adjustable, cushioned inner headband, which can tilt HoloLens up and down, as well as forward and backward. To wear the unit, the user fits the HoloLens on their head, using an adjustment wheel at the back of the headband to secure it around the crown, supporting and distributing the weight of the unit equally for comfort, before tilting the visor towards the front of the eyes.

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