Horst Vogel est né en 1948 à Würzburg, Allemagne. Après ses études en chimie, il obtient le diplôme de chimie en 1974 de l'Université de Würzburg.Il entreprend ensuite un travail de doctorat au Max-Planck Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie de Göttingen, et obtient en 1978 le grade de docteur ès sciences de l'Université de Göttingen. De 1978 à 1983 il effectue des recherches au Max-Planck Institut für Biologie à Tübingen et en 1984, il rejoint le Biocentre à Bâle où il travaille jusqu'en 1989, effectuant une année au Karolinska Institute à Stockholm. En 1989, Horst Vogel rejoint l'institut de chimie physique de l'EPFL où il dirige un groupe travaillant dans les domaines de la biophysique et de la bioélectronique.
Depuis le 1er octobre 1994 il est profeseur en chimie physique des polymères et membranes au Département de chimie de EPFL. Ses intérêts de recherche sont l'étude de la structure et de la dynamique de récepteurs membranaires et l'auto-assemblage des biomolécules aux interfaces pour développer de nouveaux biocapteurs dans le domaine de micro- et nanotechnologie. Il enseigne les sciences du vivant, la biophysique et biochimie, et des chapitres concernant la biotechnologie.
Dipl. in Chemistry1974-Univ. Würzburg, DE
Ph.D.-1978-MPI für Biophys. Chemie, Göttingen, DE
Since 2020 Prof. Physics, IPHYS, SB, EPFL, Switzerland 2009 – 2021 Prof. Structural Biology, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland
2009 – 2010 Adj. Assoc. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
2007 – 2009 Assoc. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
2003 – 2007 Assist. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
Education: 2002 Habilitation, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland 1997 – 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland 1992 – 1997 PhD Student, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 1990 – 1991 Diploma Thesis in Solid State Physics, TU Berlin, Germany 1987 – 1993 Study of Physics, TU Berlin, Germany Selected Awards & Honors: 2009 W.M.Keck Award 2004 CAREER award, NSF, USA 2002 Habilitation, University Basel, Switzerland Selected Memberships: 2008 – 2013 Chancellor’s Fellow Award, UC Davis, CA, USA 2004 – 2009 Faculty of 1000 Since 1992 Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)
Matthias Lutolf is Full Professor at EPFL’s Institute of Bioengineering, with a cross appointment in the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Lutolf was trained as a Materials Engineer at ETH Zurich where he also carried out his PhD studies (with Jeffrey Hubbell) that were awarded with an ETH medal. He continued his research training as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Stem Cell Biology (with Helen Blau) at Stanford University. He has served as the Director of the Institute of Bioengineering from 2014 to 2018. Lutolf is an internationally recognized leader in the fields of stem cell bioengineering and tissue engineering. His research program uniquely combines stem cell biology with engineering principles and quantitative thinking. His team, composed of engineers, chemists, physicists, cell and developmental biologists, strives to develop technologies that have true biological and medicinal function and applicability. Lutolf’s work has led to more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific publications, many of which published in highly reputed journals, more than 25 patents, and the commercialization of several products. Current research in the Lutolf lab is focused on the bioengineering of miniature tissues, termed organoids, that are generated from self-organizing stem cells.
Dr. Vassily Hatzimanikatis is currently Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), in Lausanne, Switzerland. Vassily received a PhD and an MS in Chemical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology, and his Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the University of Patras, in Greece. After the completion of his doctoral studies, he held a research group leader position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland. Prior to joining EPFL, Vassily worked for three years in DuPont, Cargill, and Cargill Dow, and he has been assistant professor at Northwestern University, at Illinois, USA.
Vassilys research interests are in the areas of computational systems biology, biotechnology, and complexity. He is associate editor of the journals Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Metabolic Engineering and Integrative Biology, and he serves on the editorial advisory board of the journals Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, and Industrial Biotechnology. He has written over 70 technical publications and he is co-inventor in three patents and patent applications.
Vassily is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (2010), he was a DuPont Young Professor (2001-2004), and he has also received the Jay Bailey Young Investigator Award in Metabolic Engineering (2000), and the ACS Elmar Gaden Award (2011).