Ratnakīrti (11th century CE) was an Indian Buddhist philosopher of the Yogācāra and epistemological (pramāṇavāda) schools who wrote on logic, philosophy of mind and epistemology. Ratnakīrti studied at the Vikramaśīla monastery in modern-day Bihar. He was a pupil of Jñānaśrīmitra, and Ratnakīrti refers to Jñānaśrīmitra in his work as his guru with phrases such as yad āhur guravaḥ. Ratnakīrti's work has been termed as "more concise and logical though not so poetical" compared to that of his teacher, although he does build on much of Jñānaśrīmitra's work. He was one of the last Buddhist philosophers in India. Ratnakīrti's "Refutation of Other mindstreams" (Santānāntaradūṣaṇa) argued that knowledge of external streams of consciousness (citta-santāna) is a form of inference (anumāna) and not direct perception (pratyakṣa). Ratnakīrti introduced the two truths doctrine as key to the nature of the discussion. Since inference deals with conceptual universals, the proof of the mindstreams of others, whilst empirically valid in relative truth (saṃvṛtisatya), does not hold ultimate metaphysical certainty in absolute truth (paramārthasatya). Ratnakīrti, therefore, argued that at the ultimate level there is only an undifferentiated non-dual consciousness (vijñānādvaita) since one cannot differentiate consciousness as a whole into different individual minds. Ratnakīrti states:If one’s own mind is distinct from another by nature, it should appear together with a limiting object (avadhi) [i.e. another mind]. Nor should it be apprehended that [one’s own mind] is identical with [another mind]. This means that any knowledge of a distinction between two things depends on perceiving two things (and seeing how they are different). But we can only know our mind directly through perception. Therefore, one’s own mind cannot be shown to be distinct from other minds, but they also cannot be shown to be identical, since this knowledge would be based on perceiving them as well.