Ce cours traite centralement de l'innovation comme réponse essentielle aux grandes crises de notre temps - ce que l'on appelle aujourd'hui les grands défis sociétaux. Le cours alternera présentations
The course allows students to get familiarized with the basic tools and concepts of modern microeconomic analysis. Based on graphical reasoning and analytical calculus, it constantly links to real eco
Introduction to economic analysis applied to environmental issues: all the necessary basic concepts, including cost-benefit analysis, for environmental policy making and its instruments (examples: cli
This course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
This course addresses the issue of designing innovation strategies and technology policies to support transitions towards sustainable development goals.
This course is an introduction to economic theory applied to environmental issues. It presents the methods used to assess environmental impacts and natural resources as well as environmental regulatio