Monique Pinçon-Charlot (born 15 May 1946, in Saint-Étienne, France) is a French sociologist, research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) until 2007, year of her retiring, attached to the Research Institute on Contemporary Societies/ l'Institut de recherche sur les sociétés contemporaines (IRESCO). She works generally in collaboration with her husband Michel Pinçon, also a sociologist; they coauthored the majority of their works. These treat the closing within the upper classes of the society, through themes such as the homogamy or the social norms. Introduction à l'étude de la planification urbaine en région parisienne—Introduction to the Study of Urban Planning in the Region of Paris-- (with Edmond Preteceille), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1973. Les Conditions d'exploitation de la force de travail—Conditions for Workforce Exploitation-- (with Michel Freyssenet et François Imbert), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1975. Les Modalités de reproduction de la force de travail—Reproduction Modes of the workforce-- (with Michel Freyssenet et François Imbert), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1975. Équipements collectifs, structures urbaines et consommation sociale—Shared Equipment, Urban Structures and Social Consumption-- (with Edmond Preteceille et Paul Rendu), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1975. Espace social et espace culturel. Analyse de la distribution socio-spatiale des équipements culturels et éducatifs en région parisienne—Social space and Cultural Space: Analysis of the Socio-spatial Distribution of Educational and Cultural Equipment in the Paris Region (with Paul de Gaudemar), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1979. Espace des équipements collectifs et ségrégation sociale—Shared Equipment and Social Segregation-- (with Paul Rendu), Paris : Centre de sociologie urbaine, 1981. Ségrégation urbaine (with Paul Rendu et Edmond Preteceille), Paris : Anthropos, 1986.
Bob de Graffenried, Gauthier Paul Daniel Marie Rousseau