CIVIL-349: Traffic engineeringIntroduce the major elements of transportation systems and traffic engineering: develop analytical and technical skills in applying the fundamentals of the transport field; understand the key concepts
HUM-124(b): Global issues: mobility BHuman and freight mobility in large cities is a complex process with dense population and many transport modes to compete for limited space. New emerging modes of transport, such as on-demand services
CIVIL-455: Transportation economicsThe scope of the lecture is to provide the basic concepts in transport economics and introduce new ones for private and public transport and environmental issues. Demand, supply, welfare analysis an
CIVIL-324: Urban public transport systemsAn introduction to urban public transport systems. The lectures cover the planning, operation, and management problems of different types of public transport services, along with assignments strengthe
CIVIL-454: Transport facilities IILe cours « Infrastructures de transport II » permet de maitriser les principes de base de la réalisation et de la maintenance des infrastructures de transport routières et ferroviaires. Ce cours décri
MATH-463: Mathematical modelling of behaviorDiscrete choice models allow for the analysis and prediction of individuals' choice behavior. The objective of the course is to introduce both methodological and applied aspects, in the field of marke
BIOENG-611: Diffusion in biological systemsThis course introduces students to models of active and passive transport in biological systems. This will include the effect of external factors (motor proteins, crowding) and membrane dynamics on tr
CIVIL-351: Transportation systems engineering I
- Introduce the major elements of transportation systems and create awareness of the broader context
- Develop basic skills in applying the fundamentals of the transportation field
- Understand the ke