Nikolaos StergiopoulosEducation
MTE, Managing the Technology Enterprise Program (2000), IMD, Lausanne
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Mechanics (1990) Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
MS in Biomedical Engineering (1987) Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (1985) National Technical University of Athens.
Professional Activities
2002 - present: Professor and director of LHTC
2010 - present: Founder and director of Rheon Medical SA, Préverenges, Switzerland
2008 - present: Founder and director of Antlia S.A., PSE-C, EPFL campus, Switzerland
1998 - 2007: Founder and Scientific Director of EndoArt S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland
1996 - 2002: Assistant professor at the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
1991 - 1996: Research Associate at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne
1990 - 1991: Lecturer, Iowa State University
Jiancheng YangI am a 4th-year PhD student in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, advised by Prof. Bingbing Ni. I received BEng and MEng degree in the Department of Automation from the same university. Enrolled in a double master degree program, I spent 2 years in France with an Engineer degree. I was a visiting research fellow in Visual Computing Group at Harvard University. I am now visiting EPFL CVLAB, working with Prof. Pascal Fua.I focus on medical image analysis, 3D computer vision and trustworthy machine learning, with a clinical emphasis on lung cancer and thoracic diseases. I have (co-)first-authored more than 10 papers on top-tier journals / conferences, e.g., Cancer Research, CVPR, MICCAI and NeurIPS. I was a reviewer for more than 10 prestigious venues, a top-ranking participant for several AI competitions, and the lead organizer for MICCAI 2020 RibFrac Challenge.Updated on April, 2021.