Bipolar disorder not otherwise specifiedBipolar disorder not otherwise specified (BD-NOS) is a diagnosis for bipolar disorder (BD) when it does not fall within the other established sub-types. Bipolar disorder NOS is sometimes referred to as subthreshold bipolar disorder. BD-NOS is a mood disorder and one of four subtypes on the bipolar spectrum, which also includes bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, and cyclothymia. BD-NOS was a classification in the DSM-IV and has since been changed to Bipolar "Other Specified" and "Unspecified" in the 2013 released DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
CyclothymiaCyclothymia (ˌsaɪkləˈθaɪmiə ), also known as cyclothymic disorder, psychothemia / psychothymia, bipolar III, affective personality disorder and cyclothymic personality disorder, is a mental and behavioural disorder that involves numerous periods of symptoms of depression and periods of symptoms of elevated mood. These symptoms, however, are not sufficient to indicate a major depressive episode or a manic episode. Symptoms must last for more than one year in children and two years in adults.
Bipolar II disorderBipolar II disorder (BP-II) is a mood disorder on the bipolar spectrum, characterized by at least one episode of hypomania and at least one episode of major depression. Diagnosis for BP-II requires that the individual must never have experienced a full manic episode. Otherwise, one manic episode meets the criteria for bipolar I disorder (BP-I). Hypomania is a sustained state of elevated or irritable mood that is less severe than mania yet may still significantly affect the quality of life and result in permanent consequences including reckless spending, damaged relationships and poor judgment.
Mixed affective stateA mixed affective state, formerly known as a mixed-manic or mixed episode, has been defined as a state wherein features unique to both depression and mania—such as episodes of despair, doubt, anguish, impulsive decision making or increased energy, suicidal ideation, decreased need for sleep, emotional liability, racing thoughts, irritability, pressure of activity, and heightened irritability—occur either simultaneously or in very short succession.