Entrepreneurship education seeks to provide students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial success in a variety of settings. Variations of entrepreneurship education are offered at all levels of schooling from primary or secondary schools through graduate university programs. Entrepreneurship education focuses on the development of skills or attributes that enable the realization of opportunity, where management education is focused on the best way to operate existing hierarchies. Both approaches share an interest in achieving "profit" in some form (which in non-profit organizations or government can take the form of increased services or decreased cost or increased responsiveness to the customer/citizen/client). Entrepreneurship education can be oriented towards different ways of realizing opportunities: The most popular one is regular entrepreneurship: opening a new organization (e.g. starting a new business). The vast majority of programs on university level teach entrepreneurship in a similar way to other business degrees. However, the UK Higher Education system makes distinction between the creativity and innovation aspects, which it sees as a precursor to new venture development. Here Enterprise is defined as an ability to develop multiple ideas and opportunities that can be made real, and entrepreneurship is defined as the development of business acumen that can realize the full potential. This enables any discipline that is subject to the UK Higher Education's Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education's guidance, to offer subject-based entrepreneurial curriculum. The European Commission set out a series of learning outcomes that address the need for European-wide perspectives on how such learning should be evaluated, and highlight the need for teacher development at all levels. Best practice guidance for schools and teachers is also available via the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry's Entrepreneurship 2020 Unit.