The War of the Austrian Succession (Österreichischer Erbfolgekrieg) was a European conflict that took place between 1740 and 1748. Fought primarily in Central Europe, the Austrian Netherlands, Italy, the Atlantic, and Mediterranean, related conflicts included King George's War in North America, the War of Jenkins' Ear, the First Carnatic War, and the First and Second Silesian Wars. The pretext for the war was the right of Maria Theresa to succeed her father, Emperor Charles VI, as ruler of the Habsburg monarchy. France, Prussia, and Bavaria saw it as an opportunity to challenge Habsburg power, while Maria Theresa was backed by Britain, the Dutch Republic, and Hanover, collectively known as the Pragmatic Allies. As the conflict widened, it drew in other participants, among them Spain, Sardinia, Saxony, Sweden, and Russia. Prussia occupied Silesia in 1740 and repulsed Austrian efforts to regain it, although Austria and Sardinia defeated Spanish attempts to regain their territories in Northern Italy. By early 1748, France had conquered most of the Austrian Netherlands but a British naval blockade was crippling their trade and the state was close to bankruptcy. The stalemate led to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle which confirmed Maria Theresa in her titles but failed to resolve underlying tensions between the signatories, many of whom were unhappy with the terms. France achieved minimal gains for vast expenditure, while the Spanish failed to recover Menorca or Gibraltar, ceded to Britain in 1713. The clearest winner was Prussia, which acquired Silesia from Austria, an outcome that undermined the long-standing Anglo-Austrian Alliance, since Maria Theresa deeply resented Britain's insistence she cede Silesia to make peace and made it her main objective to regain it. The war also demonstrated the vulnerability of Hanover, then held in personal union with the British Crown, while many British politicians felt they had received little benefit from the enormous subsidies paid to Austria.
Andrea Rinaldo, Tom Ian Battin, Enrico Bertuzzo, Serena Ceola