The E series is a system of preferred numbers (also called preferred values) derived for use in electronic components. It consists of the E3, E6, E12, E24, E48, E96 and E192 series, where the number after the 'E' designates the quantity of logarithmic value "steps" per decade. Although it is theoretically possible to produce components of any value, in practice the need for inventory simplification has led the industry to settle on the E series for resistors, capacitors, inductors, and zener diodes. Other types of electrical components are either specified by the Renard series (for example fuses) or are defined in relevant product standards (for example IEC 60228 for wires).
During the Golden Age of Radio (1920s to 1950s), numerous companies manufactured AM radio receivers for consumer use. In the early years, many components were not standardized between radio manufacturers. The capacitance values of capacitors (previously called condensers) and resistance values of resistors were not standardized.
In 1924, the Radio Manufacturers Association (RMA) was formed by 50 radio manufacturers in Chicago to license and share patents. Over time, this group created some of the earliest standards for electronics components. In 1936, the RMA adopted a preferred number system for the resistance values of fixed composition resistors. Over time, resistor manufacturers migrated from older values to the 1936 resistance value standard.
American and British military production during World War II was a major influence for establishing common standards across many industries, especially in electronics, where it was essential to produce large quantities of standardized electronic parts very quickly for wireless communication and Radar devices. Later, the mid-20th century baby boom and the invention of the transistor kicked off demand for consumer electronics goods during the 1950s. As transistor radio production migrated towards Japan during the late-1950s, it was critical for the electronic industry to have international standards.
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Film capacitors, plastic film capacitors, film dielectric capacitors, or polymer film capacitors, generically called film caps as well as power film capacitors, are electrical capacitors with an insulating plastic film as the dielectric, sometimes combined with paper as carrier of the electrodes. The dielectric films, depending on the desired dielectric strength, are drawn in a special process to an extremely thin thickness, and are then provided with electrodes.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are polarized electrolytic capacitors whose anode electrode (+) is made of a pure aluminum foil with an etched surface. The aluminum forms a very thin insulating layer of aluminum oxide by anodization that acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. A non-solid electrolyte covers the rough surface of the oxide layer, serving in principle as the second electrode (cathode) (-) of the capacitor. A second aluminum foil called “cathode foil” contacts the electrolyte and serves as the electrical connection to the negative terminal of the capacitor.
An electronic color code or electronic colour code (see spelling differences) is used to indicate the values or ratings of electronic components, usually for resistors, but also for capacitors, inductors, diodes and others. A separate code, the 25-pair color code, is used to identify wires in some telecommunications cables. Different codes are used for wire leads on devices such as transformers or in building wiring. Before industry standards were established, each manufacturer used its own unique system for color coding or marking their components.
Piezoelectric micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) are finding an increased interest for applications requiring high frequency operation and high mechanical quality. The aim of this work was to improve piezoelectric MEMS along two main research directio ...
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This paper presents constraints involved in the microelectronic implementation of a transmission line model based on transconductor-capacitor (gm-C) topologies. The presented line model, based on the discretization of a transmission line into a finite numb ...
New circuit design techniques for implementing very high-valued resistors are presented, significantly improving power and area efficiency of analog front-end signal processing in ultra-low power (ULP) biomedical systems. Ranging in value from few hundreds ...