PHYS-502: Interacting quantum matterThis course presents modern aspects of theoretical condensed matter physics with interfaces to statistical physics, quantum information theory, quantum field theory and quantum simulation.
PHYS-307: Physics of materialsThis course illustrates some selected chapters of materials physics needed to understand the mechanical and structural properties of solids. This course deals primarily with the physics of dislocation
CH-340: Methods in spectroscopy and dynamicsWe will review modern technique for the determination of structure and dynamics in chemistry.
Recent developments in spectroscopy as well as methods that target the fundamentals of chemical reactions
PHYS-639: Field Theory in Condensed Matter PhysicsTopics covered: Superfluidity in weakly interacting Bose gas, the random phase approximation to the Coulomb interaction in the Jellium model, superconductivity within the random phase approximation, t
MSE-450: Electron microscopy: advanced methodsWith this course, the student will learn advanced methods in transmission electron microscopy, especially what is the electron optical setup involved in the acquisition, and how to interpret the data.