ME-341: Heat and mass transferThis course covers fundamentals of heat transfer and applications to practical problems. Emphasis will be on developing a physical and analytical understanding of conductive, convective, and radiative
ME-251: Thermodynamics and energetics IThe course introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, and thermodynamic properties of matter and their calculation. The students will master the concepts of heat, mass, and mom
ENV-424: Water resources engineeringWater resources engineering designs systems to control the quantity, quality, timing, and distribution of water to support human demands and the needs of the environment.
EE-348: ElectroacousticsCe cours a pour objectif de former les étudiants de section Génie Electrique et Electronique à la conception de systèmes acoustiques, à l'aide d'un formalisme basé sur l'électrotechnique. A la fin du
MICRO-520: Laser microprocessingThe physical principles of laser light materials interactions are introduced with a large number of industrial application examples. Materials processing lasers are developing further and further, the
PHYS-424: Plasma IIThis course completes the knowledge in plasma physics that students have acquired in the previous two courses, with a discussion of different applications, in the fields of magnetic confinement and co
AR-241: Building technology IIICe cours traite des divers domaines techniques intervenant dans la conception et la réalisation d'un bâtiment, soit : physique du bâtiment, structures, matériaux, construction et installations techniq
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well