
Thirteen Buddhas

The Thirteen Buddhas is a Japanese grouping of Buddhist deities, particularly in the Shingon sect of Buddhism. The deities are, in fact, not only Buddhas, but include bodhisattvas and Wisdom Kings. In Shingon services, lay followers recite a devotional mantra to each figure, though in Shingon practice, disciples will typically devote themselves to only one, depending on what the teacher assigns. Thus the chanting of the mantras of the Thirteen Buddhas are merely the basic practice of laypeople. The Thirteen Buddhas are also an important part of a traditional Japanese Buddhist funeral service, with each deity having a corresponding memorial service for the deceased. The thirteen in Japanese and Sanskrit and the corresponding date of their service after the death are: Fudō (Acala), 7th day Shaka (Sakyamuni), 14th day Monju (Manjushri), 21st day Fugen (Samantabhadra), 28th day Jizō (Ksitigarbha), 35th day Miroku (Maitreya), 42nd day Yakushi (Bhaisajyaguru), 49th day Kannon (Avalokitesvara), 100th day Seishi (Mahasthamaprapta), 1st anniversary Amida (Amitabha), 2nd anniversary Ashuku (Akshobhya), 6th anniversary Dainichi (Vairocana), 12th anniversary Kokūzō (Akasagarbha), 32nd anniversary While the thirteen figures have several mantras associated to each respectively, those listed below pertain to the standard formula used in Japanese ritual. The Shingon and Tendai schools each use a different method of transliteration of the original Sanskrit. Bhaisajyaguru is the only figure whose mantra fundamentally differs between traditions.
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