Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).
The first annual The Best American Poetry volume is published this year.
During a poetry reading in which popular Russian poet Andrei Voznesensky takes written questions from the audience, he reads out two responses: "All of you are Jews or sold out to Jews", one reads. Another only says, "We will kill you". In The Ditch: A Spiritual Trial, published in 1986, Voznesensky had written poetry and prose about a 1941 German massacre of 12,000 Russians in the Crimea, and the looting of their mass graves in the 1980s by Soviet citizens that was tolerated, he said, by officials because the victims were primarily Jews. Voznesensky reads the notes out loud and challenges the writers to identify themselves. None does.
Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately:
Robert Gray, Piano
Jennifer Maiden, The Trust, Black Lightning, Australia
Chris Mansell, Redshift/Blueshift, Five Islands Press
Chris Wallace-Crabbe, I'm Deadly Serious, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Louis Dudek, Infinite Worlds: The Poetry of Louis Dudek. Robin Blaser ed. Montreal: Véhicule Press.
Elisabeth Harvor, If Only We Could Drive Like This Forever
Dorothy Livesay, Beginnings. Winnipeg: Peguis.
Roy Miki, Tracing the Paths, about bp nichol, critical study;
Raymond Souster, Asking for More. Ottawa: Oberon Press.
Jayanta Mahapatra, Burden and Fruit ( Poetry in English ), Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press
Eunice de Souza, Women in Dutch Painting, Bombay: XAL-PRAXIS
Meena Alexander, House of a Thousand Doors ( Poetry and prose in English ), Washington, D.C.