Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature, including Irish or France. January – Ezra Pound returns to Rapallo, Italy from Sicily to settle permanently after a brief stay the year before. February 11 – Eli Siegel wins The Nation Poetry Prize for "Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana". February 21 – First issue of The New Yorker magazine is published. November 21 – First issue of McGill Fortnightly Review, a publication of Montreal Group of modernist poets and the first organ to feature modernist poetry, fiction, and literary criticism in Canada. December 28 – Russian poet Sergei Yesenin (b. 1895) writes his farewell poem, "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye" (До свиданья, друг мой, до свиданья), in his own blood before hanging himself at the Angleterre Hotel in Leningrad. T. S. Eliot leaves Lloyds Bank in London and joins the new publishing house of Faber and Gwyer. An unofficial ban by Soviet authorities on poetry by Anna Akhmatova begins; she will be unable to publish until 1940. Arthur Bourinot, Pattering Feet: A book of childhood verses. Archibald Lampman, Lyrics of Earth: Sonnets and Ballads, Duncan Campbell Scott ed. Posthumously published—not to be confused with Lampman's 1895 book of the same name. Marjorie Pickthall: Little Songs (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart) The Complete Poems of Marjorie Pickthall (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart). E. J. Pratt, The Witches' Brew, Toronto: Macmillan. Charles G. D. Roberts. The Sweet o' the Year and Other Poems. (Toronto: Ryerson). Theodore Goodridge Roberts. Seven Poems. private. Seranus, Songs of Love and Labor (Toronto: Author). Shyam Sunder Lal Chordia, Seeking and Other Poems (Poetry in English), Allahabad: The Indian Press M. U. Malkani and T. H. Advani, The Longing Lute (Poetry in English), Karachi: Kohinoor Printing Works Edmund Blunden, Masks of Time Gordon Bottomley, Poems of Thirty Years Robert Bridges: New Verse Written in 1921 which included his Neo-Miltonic syllabics The Tapestry: Poems W. H.