Years link to corresponding "[year] in poetry" articles. The Book of One Thousand and One Nights is compiled in Baghdad 742 – Ibrahim Al-Mausili (died 804) c. 805 – Abu Tammam (died 845) 820 – al-Buhturi (died 897) 861 – Abdullah ibn al-Mu'tazz (died 908) 897 – Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani (died 967) 809 – Abbas Ibn al-Ahnaf (born 750) (عباس بن الأحنف) 813 – Abu Nuwas (born 750) 828: Abu-l-'Atahiya Abu-l-'Atahiya (born 748) 837 – Ibn Duraid 845 – Abu Tammam (born c. 805) 896 – Ibn al-Rumi 897 – al-Buhturi (born 820) Possible early date for the oral development of the Book of Dede Korkut Rudaki (رودکی) Mansur Al-Hallaj (منصور حلاج) Shahid Balkhi Firuz Mashreqi Hanzala Badghisi Basam Kurd Wasif Sagzi Likely period when Cynewulf flourishes in Mercia or Northumbria Bragi Boddason flourishes in the Swedish court in the first half of the century, author of Bragi inn gamli Boddason (Norwegian) Þjóðólfur úr Hvini (Norwegian) Þorbjörn hornklofi (Norwegian) Reign of King Alfred the Great, a noted poet in Anglo-Saxon, in Wessex from 871 to 899 9th century: Expansion of Gregorian chant, particularly in the Frankish lands of Europe Cynewulf, The Fates of the Apostles, Juliana, Elene, and Christ II in Old English Llywarch Hen in Welsh Sequence of Saint Eulalia, earliest surviving poem in Old French The Phoenix in Old English Approximate period of Waldere in Old English c. 800 Pangur Bán in Old Irish 830s: Lay of Hildebrand in Old High German 880s or 890s: Ludwigslied and Georgslied in Old High German 890s: Abbo Cernuus, De bellis Parisiacae urbis (The Wars of the City of Paris), in Latin c. 855: Saints Cyril and Methodius develop the Glagolitic alphabet;Cyrillic is developed about the same time in Bulgaria. These alphabets permit translation of the Bible into Old Church Slavonic and other Slavic languages. First development of Slavic literary languages. Preslav Literary School (est. c. 885) and Ohrid Literary School (est. 886) flourish in Bulgaria. Constantine of Preslav in Bulgaria authors Азбучна молитва (Alphabet Prayer), the earliest surviving poetry in Old Church Slavonic.