AltiVec is a single-precision floating point and integer SIMD instruction set designed and owned by Apple, IBM, and Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector) — the AIM alliance. It is implemented on versions of the PowerPC processor architecture, including Motorola's G4, IBM's G5 and POWER6 processors, and P.A. Semi's PWRficient PA6T. AltiVec is a trademark owned solely by Freescale, so the system is also referred to as Velocity Engine by Apple and VMX (Vector Multimedia Extension) by IBM and P.A. Semi. While AltiVec refers to an instruction set, the implementations in CPUs produced by IBM and Motorola are separate in terms of logic design. To date, no IBM core has included an AltiVec logic design licensed from Motorola or vice versa. AltiVec is a standard part of the Power ISA v.2.03 specification. It was never formally a part of the PowerPC architecture until this specification although it used PowerPC instruction formats and syntax and occupied the opcode space expressly allocated for such purposes. Both VMX/AltiVec and SSE feature 128-bit vector registers that can represent sixteen 8-bit signed or unsigned chars, eight 16-bit signed or unsigned shorts, four 32-bit ints or four 32-bit floating-point variables. Both provide cache-control instructions intended to minimize cache pollution when working on streams of data. They also exhibit important differences. Unlike SSE2, VMX/AltiVec supports a special RGB "pixel" data type, but it does not operate on 64-bit double-precision floats, and there is no way to move data directly between scalar and vector registers. In keeping with the "load/store" model of the PowerPC's RISC design, the vector registers, like the scalar registers, can only be loaded from and stored to memory. However, VMX/AltiVec provides a much more complete set of "horizontal" operations that work across all the elements of a vector; the allowable combinations of data type and operations are much more complete.
Joppe Willem Bos, Marcelo Kaihara
Joppe Willem Bos, Dag Arne Osvik, Deian Stefan