ENV-200: Environmental chemistryThis course provides students with an overview over the basics of environmental chemistry. This includes the chemistry of natural systems, as well as the fate of anthropogenic chemicals in natural sys
CH-332: Medicinal chemistrySitting at the crossroad of organic chemistry and medicine, this course outlines how an initial hit compound transitions into a lead candidate, and ultimately a drug, in the modern drug discovery worl
CH-315: Modeling labIn this course we give a hands-on introduction on the use of modeling and data in chemistry. After an introduction in the different tools used by computational chemists, we discuss three topics in mor
CH-242(b): Statistical mechanics for chemistryCe cours construit la base théorique universelle permettant de comprendre les systèmes à grand nombre de particules. Les méthodes introduites sont utilisées pour éclairer de nombreux phénomènes à trav
PHYS-752: Lecture series on BiomimeticsThis course gives a comprehensive view of Biomimetics, with especial focus and hierarchical structure-function relationships. We explore the physical principles of bioinspired nanostructures and biome