SialoendoscopySialoendoscopy is a minimally invasive technique that allows for salivary gland surgery for the safe and effective treatment of obstructive salivary gland disorders and other conditions of the salivary glands. During sialoendoscopy a small endoscope is placed into the salivary glands through the salivary ducts that empty into the mouth. The procedure is not exclusively diagnostic, but is interventional; thus, it can be used for the extraction of salivary stones, salivary duct lavage, dilatation of stenotic segments, or instillation of various medications such as corticosteroids or antibiotics.
Parotid ductThe parotid duct, or Stensen duct, is a salivary duct. It is the route that saliva takes from the major salivary gland, the parotid gland, into the mouth. It opens into the mouth opposite the second upper molar tooth. The parotid duct is formed when several interlobular ducts, the largest ducts inside the parotid gland, join. It emerges from the parotid gland. It runs forward along the lateral side of the masseter muscle for around 7 cm. In this course, the duct is surrounded by the buccal fat pad.
SialographySialography (also termed radiosialography) is the radiographic examination of the salivary glands. It usually involves the injection of a small amount of contrast medium into the salivary duct of a single gland, followed by routine X-ray projections. The resulting image is called a sialogram. Sialography has largely been replaced by sialoendoscopy and cross-sectional imaging, such as CT, MRI and ultrasonography. This procedure is indicated when there is recurrent swelling and pain on the face but ultrasound has not revealed any problems.
SialadenitisSialadenitis (sialoadenitis) is inflammation of salivary glands, usually the major ones, the most common being the parotid gland, followed by submandibular and sublingual glands. It should not be confused with sialadenosis (sialosis) which is a non-inflammatory enlargement of the major salivary glands. Sialadenitis can be further classed as acute or chronic. Acute sialadenitis is an acute inflammation of a salivary gland which may present itself as a red, painful swelling that is tender to touch.
Parotid glandThe parotid gland is a major salivary gland in many animals. In humans, the two parotid glands are present on either side of the mouth and in front of both ears. They are the largest of the salivary glands. Each parotid is wrapped around the mandibular ramus, and secretes serous saliva through the parotid duct into the mouth, to facilitate mastication and swallowing and to begin the digestion of starches. There are also two other types of salivary glands; they are submandibular and sublingual glands.
XerostomiaXerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is dryness in the mouth, which may be associated with a change in the composition of saliva, or reduced salivary flow, or have no identifiable cause. This symptom is very common and is often seen as a side effect of many types of medication. It is more common in older people (mostly because this group tend to take several medications) and in people who breathe through their mouths.
Salivary glandThe salivary glands in many vertebrates including mammals are exocrine glands that produce saliva through a system of ducts. Humans have three paired major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual), as well as hundreds of minor salivary glands. Salivary glands can be classified as serous, mucous, or seromucous (mixed). In serous secretions, the main type of protein secreted is alpha-amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch into maltose and glucose, whereas in mucous secretions, the main protein secreted is mucin, which acts as a lubricant.
Kidney stone diseaseKidney stone disease, also known as nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis, is a crystallopathy where a solid piece of material (kidney stone) develops in the urinary tract. Kidney stones typically form in the kidney and leave the body in the urine stream. A small stone may pass without causing symptoms. If a stone grows to more than , it can cause blockage of the ureter, resulting in sharp and severe pain in the lower back or abdomen. A stone may also result in blood in the urine, vomiting, or painful urination.
Sjögren syndromeSjögren syndrome or Sjögren's syndrome (SjS, SS) is a long-term autoimmune disease that affects the body's moisture-producing glands (lacrimal and salivary), and often seriously affects other organ systems, such as the lungs, kidneys, and nervous system. The disease was described in 1933 by Henrik Sjögren, after whom it is named, but a number of earlier descriptions of people with the symptoms exist. Between 0.2 and 1.2% of the population is affected, with half having the primary form and half the secondary form.