The Akisho (Somali: Akiisho, Arabic: أكيشو) is a sub-division of the Dir subclan of the clan family. As a Dir sub-clan, the Akisho have immediate lineal ties with the Issa, the Gadabuursi, the Surre (Abdalle and Qubeys), the Biimaal (who the Gaadsen also belong too), the Bajimal, the Bursuk, the Gurgura, (the Quranyow sub-clan to be precise as they claim descent from Dir), Gariire, other Dir sub-clans and they have lineal ties with the Hawiye (Irir), Hawadle, Ajuraan, Degoodi, Gaalje'el clan groups, who share the same ancestor Samaale. The Akisho inhabit both the Somaliland and Ethiopia in Somali region. In Somaliland, Akisho members live in the Maroodi Jeex region, in the cities and towns of Hargeisa, Arabsiyo, Wajaale, Allaybaday, and Gabiley In Ethiopia, where the Akisho are among the most widespread Somali group, Akisho members inhabit Jijiga, Qordhere, Dire Dewa, Bale (Nagelle), Babile, Fayanbiro, Qabri-Bayah, Fiq, Hara-Maaya, Harar, Obra, and Dadar. Fadeyga godanta booraale gursum and many more geographical regions. Currently, the sultan of the Akisho clan is Muhiyadiin Odawa. Also the Madahweyne Dir, Akisho clan is one of the largest Dir sub-clans within the borders of the Somaliland region of Ethiopia based on the Ethiopian population census. Many Akisho's live in the Afar region of Ethiopia. The Akisho live in Jijiga district where they make up a large part of the Kebri Beyah and Fafan Zone. The Dir-Madaxweyne Akisho, along with the Gurgura, Issa and Gadabuursi subclans of the Dir represent the most native and indigenous Somali tribes in Harar. Akisho is one of the oldest Somali clans being mentioned as far back as the 16th century in the book The Conquest of Abyssinia also known as Futuh al-habash. Akisho members are strict adherents of Sunni Islam. Akisho groups and their related clans are reputed to have migrated from Somali Ethiopian region all the way up North as far as the country Chad, the Sudan, and Northern Eritrea are said to be inhabited by Akisho and many Dir tribes. Ahmed Gurey was one of the Akisho members.