Attachment measures refer to the various procedures used to assess the attachment system in children and adults. Researchers have developed various ways of assessing self-protective strategies and patterns of attachment. Some methods work across the several models of attachment and some are model-specific. A variety of methods allow children and adults' strategies to be classified into three or four attachment pattern groups: secure (B-pattern), anxious-avoidant (A-pattern), anxious-ambivalent (C-pattern), and in some models disorganized/disoriented (D category supplementing a primary pattern). Each pattern group is further broken down into several sub-patterns. Some methods assess disorders of attachment. Some attachment models, such as the Berkeley (or ABC+D) model, consider the disorganized/controlling attachment category to represent a breakdown in the attachment-caregiving partnership such that the child does not have an organized behavioral or representational strategy to achieve protection and care from the attachment figure. Other models, such as the Dynamic-Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM), describe virtually all attachment behavior and patterns within (or in a combination of) the three primary A, B, C patterns. The DMM considers all attachment behavior to be an effort to adapt within a given caregiving environment to optimize available caregiver protection and maximize survival. Attachment in adults can be measured using assessments such as the Adult Attachment Interview, the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, and self-report questionnaires. Self-report questionnaires are used to assess romantic attachment style, a personality dimension that describes attitudes about relationships with romantic partners. Adult attachment style is thought to be similar to childhood attachment patterns. There is some research that shows a link between childhood attachment patterns and attachment personality dimensions with romantic partners, but correlations are mild to moderate.