Babak FalsafiBabak is a Professor in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences and the founding director of the EcoCloud, an industrial/academic consortium at EPFL investigating scalable data-centric technologies. He has made numerous contributions to computer system design and evaluation including a scalable multiprocessor architecture which was prototyped by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle), snoop filters and memory streaming technologies that are incorporated into IBM BlueGene/P and Q and ARM cores, and computer system performance evaluation methodologies that have been in use by AMD, HP and Google PerKit . He has shown that hardware memory consistency models are neither necessary (in the 90's) nor sufficient (a decade later) to achieve high performance in multiprocessor systems. These results eventually led to fence speculation in modern microprocessors. His latest work on workload-optimized server processors laid the foundation for the first generation of Cavium ARM server CPUs, ThunderX. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award, IBM Faculty Partnership Awards, and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. He is a fellow of IEEE and ACM.
Maria Giulia PretiMaria Giulia Preti received her Ph.D. in Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) in 2013, after her M. Sc. (2009) and B. Sc. (2007) in Biomedical Engineering, as well at Politecnico di Milano. During her Ph.D., mentored by Prof. Giuseppe Baselli, she focused on advanced techniques of brain magnetic resonance imaging, in particular she developed a method of groupwise fMRI-guided tractography, that revealed to be useful in the in-vivo investigation of the pathophysiological changes across the evolution of Alzheimers disease. For this project, she had been collaborating full-time with the hospital Fondazione Don Gnocchi in Milan (Magnetic Resonance Laboratory). In 2011, she was awarded a Progetto Rocca fellowship from MIT-Italy and spent a visiting research period at the MIT and Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), under the supervision of Prof. Nikos Makris, where she could focus on the anatomical study of specific neruonal bundles.
She has joined Prof. Van De Ville group at EPFL as a post-doc in 2013. Her current research aims at understanding the connections between brain functionality and brain microscopic anatomy by using advanced techniques of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In particular, she is working on functional MRI, functional connectivity, diffusion tensor imaging and tractography, integration of MRI with other techniques (e.g. EEG), and the application of these methods to several clinical contexts, e.g., epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Roland SiegwartOriginaire d'Altdorf (UR) et d'Oberkirch (LU), Roland Siegwart est né en 1959 à Lausanne. Après une enfance à Schwyz, il a étudié à l'EPFZ et a obtenu son diplôme en génie mécanique en 1983. Il a travaillé ensuite comme assistant de recherche à l'EPFZ. En 1989, il a obtenu son doctorat, sa thèse traitant de l'application des paliers magnétiques sur les machines d'usinage de grande vitesse.
De 1989 à 1990, il a effectué des recherches à l'Université de Stanford en Californie (USA) et a participé à des projets en microrobotique. De retour en Suisse, il a rejoint l'Institut de robotique à l'EPFZ. Comme directeur remplaçant de l'Institut de Robotique, il a organisé les activités dans la micro- et nanorobotique. Il a mis notamment au pointuncourensystèmesélectroméca-niques appliqués.
Depuis 1990, R. Siegwart a été engagé en parallèle comme vice président de MECOS Traxler AG, une entreprise spin-off' de l'EPFZ. Il a dirigé de nombreux projets industriels dans le domaine des paliers magnétiques. ProfesseurauDépartementdemicrote-chnique de l'EPFL depuis 1996, R. Siegwart est responsable de la recherche en systèmes microtechniques autonomes. Le champ principal de ses activités porte sur les robots et les microrobots mobiles ainsi que les microsystèmes dynamiques et de très hautes performances.