Hearing protector fit-testing, also known as field attenuation estimation system (FAES), measures the degree of noise attenuation when using the hearing protection device by a particular worker in the enterprise. Such measurements are necessary because noise attenuation is very variable among workers, and it can be close to zero for a significant proportion of them. Individual anatomical differences and varying ability to correctly apply HPD do not allow predicting noise attenuation in workers based on laboratory measurements with satisfactory accuracy. This is typically carried out using one of the available fit-testing hardware and software systems. The effectiveness is typically measured as a personal attenuation rating (PAR) which is subtracted from the known noise exposure to estimate the total noise exposure a single person has when wearing the tested hearing protection device (HPD). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, National Hearing Conservation Association and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommend it for all workers used HPD as a best practice, and describes existing testing methods and how to incorporate them in hearing conservation programs. Hearing protection devices such as earplugs or earmuffs must be worn correctly for the wearer to be protected from noise. Correct use of hearing protection includes: Choosing the most appropriate hearing protection device, both with appropriate level of attenuation and appropriate fit for the individual. Ideally, the device should limit the sound intensity that reaches the ear to levels below 85 dBA. If the attenuation does not limit the noise levels to that level, other alternatives should be sought. If the attenuation is greater than that, it can also interfere with the HPD use. Wearing or inserting the hearing protection device correctly so it seals the wearer's ear canal, using the "roll-pull-hold" method for foam earplugs, and ensuring earmuffs create an unbroken seal around each ear.
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