
Honor Wyatt

Honor Ellen Wyatt (6 February 1910 – 23 October 1998) was an English journalist and radio presenter, known for her association with Barbara Pym, Robert Graves, and Laura Riding as well as for her own work. She was the mother of the actor Julian Glover and the musician Robert Wyatt. She was born Honor Ellen Wyatt; through her father, she was a second cousin of politician Woodrow Wyatt. Through her work at the BBC, Wyatt met the producer C. Gordon Glover, who became her husband. They had two children, Julian and Prudence. During the 1930s, Wyatt and her husband lived in Majorca, where they became acquainted with the poets Robert Graves and Laura Riding, who had set up home there. Wyatt contributed to Epilogue, the periodical published by Riding and Graves, and her novel, The Heathen, was published by the Seizin Press which they ran. During the Second World War, the Glovers separated, and Wyatt went to work for the BBC in Bristol, as a scriptwriter for the Children's Department.
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